Campaign "Brake in Advance!"
Every year pedestrians account for one third of all road accident deaths. These road users are unprotected. If a pedestrian is hit by a car, they cannot escape injury. However, despite an overall reduction in the number of pedestrians killed, in 2013 the number of accidents at pedestrian crossings increased by 10.3%, and the number of deaths by 7.5%.
In most cases, it was drivers who were to blame. Drivers break the speed limit, fail to observe the rules for pedestrian crossings, and jump red lights. This is why it was decided to run the “Brake in Advance!” campaign.
The objective of this new campaign is to reduce the number of accidents caused by drivers failing to observe the rules for uncontrolled pedestrian crossings. Our task is to inform drivers that it is very important they reduce their speed in good time before a zebra crossing.§Every year pedestrians account for one third of all road accident deaths. These road users are unprotected. If a pedestrian is hit by a car, they cannot escape injury. However, despite an overall reduction in the number of pedestrians killed, in 2013 the number of accidents at pedestrian crossings increased by 10.3%, and the number of deaths by 7.5%.
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- “Brake in Advance!” public awareness campaign named best PR ...03 September 2014
For the second year running, the winner of best PR campaign at the annual Shield and Pen awards is a project of the General Department of Road Traffic Safety, the Russian Association of Motor Insurers (RAMI) and NGO Road Safety Russia. The awards ceremony for the 2014 winners took place on 2 September in Irkutsk and was attended by Russian Minister of Internal Affairs, Colonel General of the Police Vladimir Kolokoltsev. At the ceremony 22 prize winners and seven overall winners were announced and a special prize was also...
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- Final event of the “Brake in Advance!” campaign launches wor...05 May 2014
On Tuesday 29 April the final event of the “Brake in Advance!” public awareness campaign was held at the Russian State Social University, Russia's leading university for sociology and social sciences. The campaign is an initiative of the General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Association of Motor Insurers (RAMI), with information support provided by NGO Road Safety Russia. During the event, the campaign’s results and future steps to improve road safety were...
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- Special radio broadcasts will remind drivers about road safe...25 April 2014
Short broadcasts about various scientific facts will explain to radio listeners why they must brake in advance of pedestrian crossings. These road safety adverts are part of the large-scale public awareness campaign “Brake in Advance!” The campaign is an initiative of the General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Association of Motor Insurers, with information support provided by NGO Road Safety Russia. The adverts will be broadcast throughout the whole campaign on the...
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- Physics of the Car and the Rules of the Road04 April 2014
“Road Physics” is to be taught in 300 schools as part of the “Brake in Advance!” nationwide public awareness campaign. In special physics lessons looking at how a car moves and brakes, older school pupils will study concepts such as the co-efficient of friction and constant acceleration. The “Brake in Advance!” campaign is an initiative of the General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Association of Motor Insurers, with information support provided...
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- Special classes will teach nursery and primary school childr...02 April 2014
Staff from the General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with experts from NGO Road Safety Russia, are to hold special road safety lessons for children in 250 nursery schools and 300 primary schools. These extracurricular lessons will be part of the “Brake in Advance!” public awareness campaign, which is being run by the General Department of Road Traffic Safety and the Russian Association of Motor Insurers (RAMI). The safety lessons will be held in the ten regions where the...
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- Chuvash drivers first to be trained in the “Art of Braking”27 March 2014
Training courses in the “Art of Braking” have begun in Russian regions. The training is the central event of the “Brake in Advance!” public awareness campaign. This is an initiative of the General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Association of Motor Insurers, with information support provided by NGO Road Safety Russia. The first training course was held in the Chuvash Republic. Under the guidance of professional instructors, more than 200 drivers from...
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- Training in the “Art of Braking” will show drivers that they...21 March 2014
Driving school instructors and drivers are to be trained in the “Art of Braking”. These special lessons, designed to improve attitudes and behaviour on the roads, will be the central event of the “Brake in Advance!” campaign. The campaign is an initiative of the General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Association of Motor Insurers, with information support provided by NGO Road Safety Russia. The training will take place over three days. The courses are open...
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- “Brake in Advance!” campaign to teach students road safety19 March 2014
As part of the “Brake in Advance!” campaign, events are being held in universities in the capital of Chuvashia. The drivers among the students are being told how important it is to brake in advance of pedestrian crossings, while the message for pedestrians is that they should be visible and observe the rules when crossing roads. The “Brake in Advance!” campaign is an initiative of the General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Association of Motor Insurers,...
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- Road safety to be taught at pedestrian crossings14 March 2014
As part of the large-scale public awareness campaign “Brake in Advance!” pedestrian crossings are to be turned into mobile points to teach road safety to drivers and pedestrians. The campaign is an initiative of the General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Association of Motor Insurers, with information support provided by NGO Road Safety Russia. Specially designed signs will be placed 60 metres before zebra crossings to inform drivers that they must slow down. This...
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- Main Events of the “Brake in advance!” Campaign to Be Held i...06 March 2014
The “Brake in advance!” campaign is a large-scale public awareness campaign initiated by the General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Association of Motor Insurers, with information support provided by NGO Road Safety Russia. As part of the campaign, events aimed at increasing pedestrian safety will be held for the general public in a number of Russian regions. The main events will take place in ten regions: Perm Krai, the Chuvash Republic, St. Petersburg, and the...
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- Pedestrian safety depends on driver attitudes and behaviour28 February 2014
The “Pictograms” advert will be the central element of the new nationwide road safety campaign “Brake in advance!” This campaign is an initiative of the General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Association of Motor Insurers (RAMI). Information support is provided by the NGO Road Safety Russia ( The campaign objective is to reduce the number of accidents caused by drivers failing to observe the rules for uncontrolled pedestrian crossings. Our task...
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- Efforts to teach people how to behave on the roads need new ...20 February 2014
The most common causes of accidents are everyday occurrences: speeding, driving into oncoming traffic, ignoring red traffic lights, and breaking the rules for crossroads. It could be said that the driver training system is to blame. However, road user attitudes are always an underlying factor in these accidents. Drivers’ attitudes determine how they treat pedestrians, and visa versa. It is poor attitudes and a lack of respect for other road users that make people think they can ignore the rules of the road, putting their own lives and...
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- What is and what for is ABS?28 January 2014
After several discussions we found out that most of russian drivers often don't know how to brake with all new features they have in their cars. Especially - how to brake correctly using Antilock Brake Systems. Here are some good recommendations, given by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). When used properly, an antilock brake system (ABS) is a safe and effective braking system. ABS allows the driver to maintain directional stability,control over steering, and in some situations, to reduce stopping distances during...
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- Keep your distance and brake in time05 September 2013
Motorists want to avoid accidents as much as possible and ideally altogether. So they need to know to stop safely. Unfortunately, unexpected obstacles are often encountered on the roads: the car in front stops suddenly, some kind of obstacle appears on a country road or, most alarmingly of all, a pedestrian comes out of nowhere right in front of you. In order to be able to brake in these sorts of unforeseen circumstances, drivers need skills in how to stop safely. Experienced drivers abide by certain important road safety rules from the...
It is for 75 year running that theGeneral Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation has been involved into serious activity to prevent motor vehicle accidents (MVA). There are numerous programs underway to decrease MVA statistics, to improve driver training and behavioral response for all road traffic participants. Conducting social campaigns aimed at teenagers and children the State Traffic Police is investing into the safe driving in the future. |
The Russian Association of Motor Insurers (RAMI) is a non-government organization involved in obligatory insuring liability of the owners of motor vehicles. RCIU was founded August 8, 2002 by the 48 largest insuring companies in Russia; the union was officially registered dated October 14, 2002; in fact the union is the first professional union on the insurance market having the status confirmed by the effective Russian legislation. RCIU is permanently involved in initiating campaigns to improve the road traffic situation actively promoting the importance of increasing the safety status of not only drivers but passengers as well. |
Non-governmental organisation "Road Safety Russia"unites all who is not willing to stay passive on the issue of extremely high risk associated with driving Russian roads. We unite those who values their lives and who cares about the lives of their close relatives. Those whose potential loss will be always remembered. We stay united to decrease the deadly toll in our roads. We want people to follow the road traffic rules because their children are following their role models. We advocate the polite conduct as living a life charged with positive emotions is great fun. We want you to drive safely! |